Feed My Lambs

What happens when we follow Him and place our very being in Him?
Fueled by Grace

We are saved by grace; it is not something we work for or have any power in, it is something we simply accept.
Peace Be With You

What God wants us to see is not absence of something but the presence of something: JESUS! JESUS is our peace.

This is our relationship with God; we are to know His voice.
No King but Caesar

Who do you have as King of your life today?
Not of This World

One of the most difficult things for believers to live out is their understanding of where “home” really is.
Control of the Flesh

We’ll fail if we focus on what WE can do rather than allowing Christ to work in us.
Your Will Be Done

Jesus allowed the Father’s will to be the only will of His life.
The Most Important Relationship

Jesus wants us to understand the reality that HE is to be our focus.
All About Him

It is all about HIM, not US.